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Let’s wrap up. The first six months of MEET

Before the summer break, we decided to relive the highlights of this first part of the year, from the birth of MEET, the international centre for digital culture, to the Meet the Media Guru evening with Daito Manabe with which we closed the season and waved everyone goodbye till September. Here are our (first) six months of digital culture.

  • February 26

    Launch of MEET, the international digital culture centre envisaged and developed by Meet the Media Guru supported by Fondazione Cariplo. Watch the speech by Maria Grazia Mattei. During the presentation, attended by the Mayor of Milan Mr. Sala, the Fondazione Cariplo President Giuseppe Guzzetti, the Dean of the School of Design of the George Brown College of Toronto and Lucilla Sioli , Director of the Digital Industry GD Connect of the European Commission.

  • March 15-18

    The VR installation MEET Deep Sight made for the Milan Digital Week is presented to the city. It allows users to explore the MEET archive: from the cardinal principles of digital culture to “thought bubbles” from the gurus we have hosted in Milan over 13 years.

  • •March 21

    Meet the Media Guru landed for the first time in Rome for an event in cooperation with the Agency for Digital Italy dedicated to Artificial Intelligence as an opportunity for citizens and public administrations. The video of the day dotted with the speeches by Antonietta Mira, Gianmarco Veruggio, Giulia Baccarin, Paolo Benanti and Derrick de Kerckhove.

  • April 9

    Con Francesco Paulo Marconi, Head of Research and Innovation del Wall Street Journal si apre ufficiale la stagione 2018 di Meet the Media Guru a Milano. Marconi ha tratteggiato la direzione in cui si sta muovendo il giornalismo all’impatto con machine learning e algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale: rivivi l’intervento di Francesco Paulo Marconi al Museo della Scienza.

  • May 16

    Corey Timpson is an inclusive design expert who, for over a decade, was vice president of the Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg (Canada). He explained why experientiality, interactivity and immersiveness are essential for producing cultural innovation. Watch the lecture of Corey Timpson at the Triennale.

  • June 5

    Reshma Saujani our first female speaker for 2018. Founder of the non-profit Girls Who Code, Saujani is devoted to the fight against the gender gap in the STEM area (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and promotes digital training for young women with the aim of achieving equality in employment in the technology sector. Watch the speech of Reshma Saujani at the Science Museum.

  • June 27

    Chief Technology Officer of Accenture and author of the book Human + Machine, Paul Daugherty presented to Meet the Media Guru myths, imperatives and challenges of artificial intelligence applied to work by identifying the opportunities and the mindset needed to enter the era of fusion skills between men and intelligent machines. Watch the lecture by Paul Daugherty at the Science Museum.

  • July 9

    Now it’s official: On October 9, 2018 the Pixar. 30 years of animation. Produced by the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in collaboration with MEET, the exhibition traces the history of the Californian animation studio and the creative processes that make it a Renaissance workshop in the Digital era. The Italian curatorship is entrusted to Maria Grazia Mattei.

  • July 10

    Former Spazio Oberdan officially becomes MEET headquarters following the acquisition by Fondazione Cariplo. The international centre for digital culture will be inaugurated in the spring of 2019 after the reorganization carried out by the study of Carlo Ratti which will make it an immersive digital space.

  • July 18

    Daito Manabe is one of the most respected media artists of the world scene. At Meet the Media Guru he presented a fascinating behind the scenes of his projects that mix interactive design, coding , visual arts , sound design and any other digital hybridization possible with the aim of overcoming the boundaries between art and technology. Watch again Daito Manabe’s speech (only italian) at BASE.
