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Georges Amar | Meet the Media Guru

Mobility is becoming our way of life. It is a deep paradigm shift in our organization and representation of Space and Time. We are entering the era of «Mobile Life ».

« The future is no more what it used to be ». Do we fear or hope for changes? We are less and less confident in Progress, and in our capacity to control our evolution. We are entering an era of « crisis of identity » of all things: What is a ‘car’, a phone, a book,; a city, or even a human?… In this context what is the nature of our responsibility regarding future generations?

The task of Prospective is to read what is happening, to free our minds from obsolete concepts and vocabularies. In order to help the re-opening of unheard possibilities.

As for Mobility, a new future starts beyond the usual oppositions between ‘fast’ and ‘slow’, physical and digital, individual and collective, etc. Although a few examples already exist, a largely unknown and unnamed field is ahead. Past smart mobility, meaningful & sensitive mobility is our rich re-invention horizon.

If you cannot join us, you can easily connect on line. Discover more.

Social Cast is the Meet the Media Guru activity that involves institution, people and enterprises to create a network that operates and interacts proactively in the events.
The people that are connected on-line can ask questions, send works, comment and expose their reflections on the evening; at the same time the people attending the evening in the hall are surrounded by and fully immersed in the contents projected and displayed in the surrounding environment. A perfect synergy between real and virtual!

Wherever you are you can participate virtually to the Meet the Media Guru events.

1. Connect
—> before the event, tell us where you will connect from via Twitter (send a tweet to @mmguru with #meetAmar) or Facebook (by private message). In this way you will become part of the Social Map, the map that geolocates your presence.

2. Watch
—> follow the live streaming on the Facebook page or on the site.

3. Participate
—> comment and share the live streaming. “Add your own place in the hall” by sending us a picture from your workstation; the images, the posts and the tweets will be displayed in the hall and the most interesting questions will be asked during the Question Time.
