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C’è tanto spazio laggiù in fondo by Giuliana Cunéaz

C’è tanto spazio laggiù in fondot, the project conceived for MEET, explores the relationship between art, science, technology and takes its cue from the title of the lecture delivered in 1959 by American physicist Richard Feynman There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom, who became famous for his brilliant and visionary insights into the potential of nanotechnology. The interest for the worlds that science reveals, for the transformation of the elements and the entropic process, have allowed Giuliana Cunéaz to develop a new expressive and aesthetic investigation. The artist makes a journey through mysterious universes in a constant dialogue with the material and in the works presented at MEET, the use of digital technology is related to more classical techniques such as sculpture and painting, creating an integration of different languages. Cunéaz’s works therefore represent the passage towards new hybrid expressive forms typical of digital art and outline at the same time the salient phases of his research of the last decade. The exhibition is articulated through particularly significant works in the three galleries and culminates in the Immersive Room with an immersive, dreamlike installation. 

Giuliana Cunéaz (Aosta 1959) is one of the most representative artists of new media art, a field of research that has earned her wide recognition in Italy and abroad. After a long journey in the field of video and video installation started at the end of the eighties, for over two decades has been using the most sophisticated technological systems. Since 2004 she has been using 3D in works where elements drawn from science and nanoscience create virtual worlds that interact with natural data. 

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