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Reading Complexity | Talk with Antonietta Mira

The first event – taking its cue from a BarabásiLab work exhibited at MEET – delves into the world of data and networks and allows us to decipher various visualisation models that have been created by the renowned Boston laboratory to reveal complex phenomena of our reality.

Antonietta Mira is Professor of Statistics at the University of Lugano – where she founded and directs the Data Science Laboratory – and at the University of Insubria. Mira has won awards for excellence in research, teaching and popularisation including the 2021 National Popular Science Prize with the book “La pandemia dei dati. Ecco il vaccino” (Mondadori). Her current research focuses on big data and networks, topics she addresses with a clear interdisciplinary scope and with applications to life sciences, social sciences, finance and economics.


Free admission, registration required.

On this occasion, The Art of Connection can be visited until 9 p.m.
