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FREEYOU NEXT | Media, Data and AI for teachers and facilitators

The FREEYOU Next project started in January 2023 and is co-financed by the European Union under the Creative Europe Programme (CREA).

The project addresses young people/digital natives as the main target group and has the main objectives of:

• Capitalise on the previous experience of the FREEYOU project, including content, methodologies and communities developed by FREEYOU covering 5 countries/languages and involving people;
• Developing new content and methodologies with a focus on data reading, data use awareness, data visualisation to raise awareness about the challenges of European society, including democracy;
• Involving young digital artists in the work through data sketches and data sculpture to enrich the project methodologies and content with artistic representations to stimulate emotional change of perspectives/views and behaviours;
• Involving young people in creative co-creation processes using data to make them active users of digital and media tools;
Broaden the EU coverage of countries, languages and the transnational community of facilitators, artists and young people.

The project consortium has developed a multilingual toolkit that includes several multimedia resources on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality involving deepfakes, synthetic media, chatbots and virtual worlds.

Now, the project consortium is launching a training programme for teachers and facilitators from different countries (Italy, Belgium, Spain and Portugal).

The training programme will be conducted online, and the live sessions will be in English.


Are you curious?

The training programme has 9 sessions and will start in February and end in April.

Here is the schedule of the training programme:

05/02/2024 (17:00 – 19:00) – Introductory webinar: Artificial Intelligence and Data in Education
12/02/2024 (17:00 – 19:00) – A world of data: analysis and production of synthetic media – Gluon on-demand module: 1h Intro + 1h hands-on
19/02/2024 (17:00 – 19:00) – “Empowering educators: Navigating synthetic media in the classroom” – Gluon live workshop
26/02/2024 (17:00 – 19:00) – Chatbots in VR: The wonders of prompt engineering – On-demand module by Dataninja: 1h Intro + 1h practical
07/03/2024 (17:00 – 19:00) – Workshop: “Empowering educators: Navigating synthetic media in the classroom” – Dataninja live workshop
11/03/2024 (17:00 – 19:00) – Final Q&A webinar
18/03/2024 (17:00 – 19:00) – Artist Lecture 1 – Kasper Jordaens – by Gluon
25/03/2024 (17:00 – 19:00) – Artist’s Lecture 2 – Roberto Beragnoli – by MEET
08/04/2024 (17:00 – 19:00) – Artist’s Lecture 3 – Mayte Gómez and Carlos Alcántara – by FZC


To register, please contact:

MEET (IT):;;

Dataninja (IT):;

INOVA+ (PT):;;

Gluon (BE):;;

Fundación Zaragoza (ES):;;
