It’s the 21st VR aperitif! We are here to issue a call to action to all those who have already participated and to all those who will participate: from the living voice of our community, from the speakers, artists and professionals we want to gather pointers and suggestions for the next season of meetings. On […]
Non solo Keiichi Matsuda. Dalle campagne di ad-busting 2.0 a New York passando per un cortometraggio distopico israeliano, ecco come l’AR ci aiuta a riflettere sulla realtà che ci circonda.
American curator Julie Walsh, one of the pioneers of immersive technology art at an international level delivers a 2 hour long overview of Digital Art in VR from around the world, with examples also drawn from performing arts and experimental music from a range of venues including museums, galleries, and film festivals. The workshop will […]
VRE – Virtual Reality Experience, Extended Edition is a well-known Italian festival entirely dedicated to immersive experiences. MEET hosts as Satellite Venues a review of works ranging from VR Cinema, VR Exhibition, XR Arts & Gamification, addressing also the theme of events in VR. An overview of the versatility of the VR world. MEET provides […]