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Industries MEET Creativity: the program

Industries MEET Creativity is the International Symposium of the Regional S+T+ARTS Centers designed and promoted by MEET in order to bring Italian industries closer to digital creators. The Symposium aims to inspire mutual cross-fertilization and a reflection on three pillars: human-machine interaction, green deal & sustainability and innovation process.

On October 29 the Symposium presents an international overview of the S+T+ARTS field. On October 30 it explores some Italian case studies of business leverage through digital creativity.

October 29
The international overview
live-streamed at

Moderator: Massimo Cerofolini, Journalist RAI

9,30 – 10,00
Official welcome delivered by Maria Grazia Mattei, Founder MEET; Patrizia Toia, Vice Chair Committee on Industry, Research and Energy | European Parliament; Ralph Dum, Senior Officer DG Connect | European Commission

10,00 – 10,30
Prototyping the World of Tomorrow | Inspirational Keynote by Daan Roosegaarde, Artist and Innovator – Studio Roosegaarde, Rotterdam

10,30 – 11,10
Focus Humanization: How digital creatives can support the humanisation of technologies and help shaping the human-machine interaction – Presentation of success cases and future visions
Coordinator: Lorenzo Gerbi, Curator Baltan – Eindhoven
Panelist: Freddy Paul Grunert, artist and curator – Firenze; Hein Duijnstee, Founder and Creative Director, Stordes – Zeist

11,10 – 12,00
Focus Innovation: How creatives can boost product and process innovation in industries – Presentation of success cases and future visions.
Coordinator: Michele Coletti, Professor of Innovation, Grenoble Ecole de Management – Grenoble
Panelists: Anouk Wipprecht, Fashion tech designer – Miami; Laurent Bazin, Digital artist S+T+ARTS Vertigo – Paris;

12,00 – 12,40
Focus Greenization: Science, Technology and the Arts and the green deal. Synergy to boost sustainability and green projects in industries – Presentation of success cases and future visions.
Coordinator: Christophe De Jaeger, Director Gluon – Brussels
Panelists: Koen Vanmechelen, Artist – Genk; Stefan Grosjean, Industrialist – Brussels; Fara Peluso, Artist and designer – Berlin

12,40 – 13,00
Art thinking and industry
Inspirational talk by Hideaki Ogawa, Co-director Ars Electronica Future Lab – Linz in order to set the challenges for the upcoming co-creation session with Hideaki Ogawa, Co-director Ars Electronica Future Lab – Linz

14,30 – 16,30
Co-Creation Sessions
Three facilitated workshops with artists, scientists, industrialists to co-create strategies and ideas to inspire future policies and projects.
Online Focus Innovation moderated by Hideaki Ogawa, Co-director Ars Electronica Future Lab. If you want to join the workshop virtually, email Rosanna Di Nuzzo.
Onsite Focus Humanization moderated by Lorenzo Gerbi, Curator Baltan
Onsite Focus Greenization moderated by Christophe De Jaeger, Director Gluon

16,30 – 17,00
Restitution of the results

October 30
Promoting cross-fertilization in Italy
live-streamed at MEET’s Youtube channel

Ore 10,00 – 10,15
Overview by Piergiorgio Monaci, Direttore MEET

Ore 10,15 – 10,45
Inspirational talks in progress
The role of digital industries
Lecture by Antonio Calabrò, Deputy President Assolombarda – Milan
Lecture by Paola Generali, President Assintel – Milan
The role of research. Lecture by Eugenio Coccia, Rettore Gran Sasso Institute – L’Aquila

Ore 10,45 – 13,00
Roundtable in collaboration with Sineglossa
Policies & strategies: how to boost innovation and contamination into the Italian companies?

Moderator Federico Bomba, Founder Sineglossa
Simona Bielli, Head of Programmes Nesta Italia
Giacomo Biraghi, Head of Innovation Confindustria Bergamo
Andrea Bonarini, Director Robotics Lab Politecnico Milano
Barbara Busi, Innovation Ecosystem Unit Manager ART-ER
Stefano Casaleggi, General Director Area Science Park
Eugenio Coccia, Dean Gran Sasso Institute
Renato Galliano, Director Economia Urbana e Lavoro Comune di Milano
Lorenzo Gerbi, Curator Baltan
Giorgio Ciron, Project and Public Affairs Manager Startup Town, Platform Economy, Healthcare and Transport Group, Assolombarda
Paolo Manfredi, Digital Strategist Confartigianato
Chiara Paolino, Associate Professor Business Organisation Università Cattolica
Fara Peluso, Artist
Luca Pozzi, Artist
Roberto Pugliese, Artist
Dario Sciunnach, DG Research and Innovation, Regione Lombardia
Nicoletta Tranquillo, Co-founder Kilowatt
