MEET has organized for Fondazione Cariplo a series of appointments aimed at deepening the relationship between reading and the digital environment and its implications in practices, genres and forms. The third appointment of the dedicated review deals with the theme of narration and supply chains: we talk about the change in the construction of narrative […]
An international exhibition of installations, performances and projects exploring how the creative industry can embrace digital innovation. The Fest is the last stage of the European project Innocult co-funded by the European Commission. Innocult Fest is organised by MEET in collaboration with ETOPIA Zaragoza, INOVA+ Porto and a network of creative industries and practitioners presenting their ideas and […]
The intangible revolution: the first immersive exhibition dedicated to the NFTs phenomenon and the aesthetics of the metaverse (September 7-29, 2022) Mauro Martino – scientist, A.I. artist, and data visualization expert – takes us at the heart of the fascinating universe of NFTs (non-fungible tokens), smart contracts of digital property that are rapidly transforming the […]