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MEET partner in the Data Storyteller project

MEET is a partner in the international Data Storyteller project, together with the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Magnus University in Vilnius, Thomas More in Antwerp and i-Strategies in Offida.

The project aims to create new skills on the topic of data and its storytelling as a tool for interpreting reality for greater awareness of its dynamics and the changes taking place: social, economic, environmental.
Big data is a key element of economic development today. Data-driven innovation is a key driver for growth and jobs that can significantly increase European competitiveness in the global marketplace. In Europe’s near future, it will become increasingly digital and data will become an essential resource for economic growth, competitiveness, innovation, job creation and the advancement of society at large.

Despite this great relevance of big data-both in terms of citizenship and the emerging data economy-Europe faces a number of challenges: reinforcing an insufficiently data-driven approach in the European economy; a small number of Big Tech companies that hold much of the market and Big Tech companies that hold much of the world’s data; strengthening the security of personal data; and finally bridging the skills gap in data literacy and communication.

Data Storyteller aims at the latter challenge, developing skills related to big data communication in European universities and society at large through a project consortium that brings together universities, cultural centers, and start-ups where innovative experiences and teaching materials will be developed to promote the skills of university students and teachers.
The experiences and innovative teaching materials will be co-created among experts in the partnership from different countries (Sweden, Italy, Belgium, Lithuania), disciplines (Data Science, Information Design, Data Visualization) and economic sectors (universities, cultural centers, companies).
The central idea of the project is to use Visual Storytelling, (a structured narrative using visual elements) to make Big Data communication more effective and engaging.

