Event 27 April 2017 29 April 2017 Digifest 2017 | Carlotta de Bevilacqua DesignDigifest See all contents about Carlotta de Bevilacqua
Event 21 September 2017 Anouk Wipprecht | Meet the Media Guru DesignEmotional DesignFashionRoboticsWearable Technologies
Video 29 April 2020 William Myers Curator and writer, his work explores how technology, biology and creativity merge and interact S+T+ARTSDesign
Post 11 September 2018 Living in the Smart System. The tomorrow we plan Contradictory and complex, such is the reality in which we live. Can we tame it? Yes, but we need creativity, inspiration and digital culture MEETDesignintelligenza collettivaVirtual Realitysmart material
Event 20 September 2017 Anouk Wipprecht | Orizzonti di innovazione DesignEmotional DesignFashionRoboticsWearable Technologies