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3 reasons not to miss Keiichi Matsuda

Are you ready to dialogue with digital artist and designer Keiichi Matsuda?Here’s a few reasons why you should not miss the next Meet the Media Guru event.


In order to immerse yourselves in a layered reality in which Data are as material as physical buildings, and where our social and our real life are more and more interconnected through a widespread use of Augmented Reality. For our reality is already Hyper, and with Matsuda we’ll find out how can we live it and modify it.

It won’t be long before I can walk past you on the street and immediately see your most recent tweet, profile picture – whatever information is available.



Rethinking design not only as a source of smart products and solutions, but most importantly as an approach generating stimuli and questions. More specifically, Matsuda explores: the tension at the boundary between the physical and the virtual.


Because we had never hosted a guru who also happened to be trendy in the fashion sense of the term. Take a look at the blog MrPorter where Keiichi is the protagonist of a photoshootset at the Barbican, in which he combines fashion and futuristic visions.


from Photography by Mr John Lindquist | Styling by Mr Tony Cook
