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Toronto Digifest 2017: Carlotta De Bevilacqua

Meet the Media Guru is proud to be again a partner of Toronto Digifest 2017 organized by George Brown College.  From April 27th to 29th we’ll lead from Milan to Toronto international creative professionals to share their knowledge and skills to a new Canadian audience.

The MtMG speaker for 2017 is designer Carlotta de Bevilacqua, Vice President of Artemide and President of Danese, De Bevilacqua is an experienced designer in the field of light who designed iconic lamps such as Yang, Empatia and Pad. She brings an investigative mind to all facets of light and how a blend of humanism and science will take a leadership role through innovative technologies.

On April 27th, 7 pm (Toronto time), Carlotta de Bevilacqua will be showcasing a lecture intitled The future of light about the radical change in our way to relate with light and in its interaction with Photonics and Internet of Things.

Since 2011, the MtMG – Digifest partnership has brought to Toronto Denis Santachiara, designer and founder of the digital fabrication platform CyrcusMassimo Banzi, Arduino co-founder; Carlo Ratti, architect and director of MIT SENSEable City Lab.

Meet the Media Guru is a space for thought, idea and events focused on innovation and digital technology based in Milan, Italy. Since 2005, MtMG has designed and hosted more than 60 meetings with digital culture leaders such as Tim Jones, CEO of Artscape; Arjun Appadurai, anthropologist; Zygmunt Bauman, philosopher and many more.

Meet the Media Guru è realizzato in partnership con Fastweb, Artemide, Fondazione Fiera Milano, Camera di Commercio di Milano, Comune di Milano, con il patrocinio di Regione Lombardia e Fondazione Cariplo e la collaborazione di Institute without Boundaries | George Brown College – Toronto.

