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Privacy Policy and Cookies


Pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of the European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) below we have provided the information that allows the data subject to know and understand the data identifying the data controller as well as the purposes of use and the methods of processing of the data. The aim is to guarantee maximum transparency regarding the processing of personal data with regard to the services provided by Meet Digital Communication S.r.l. Impresa Sociale (hereinafter “Meet”) in existing or future contracts and to the publication or reproduction of the aforesaid data.

The data controller is the company Meet Digital Communication S.r.l. Impresa Sociale, having registered office in Viale Vittorio Veneto 2, 20124 – Milan, Tax ID/VAT number 07109390968, represented by its interim legal representative Ms. Maria Grazia Mattei.

The data may be processed by subjects qualified as External Processors that operate under the direct authority of the Data Controller (employees and/or collaborators, in various capacities).

This statement is published on the MEET website ( pursuant to the Privacy Policy and Cookies as well as in the banner of the home page of the site that also contains information about cookies, in order to provide all the necessary information to users, including anything pertaining to navigation on the site.


The data provided and processed by Meet is intended to include common and personal data. The data are processed in compliance with the obligations of fairness, lawfulness and transparency in accordance with applicable law, protecting the privacy and rights of the parties. The provision of the requested data is mandatory, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in force and their non-provision could compromise access to the requested services, such as for example the lack of communication and information on events organized by Meet.


Data provided by individuals will also be processed for the following purposes:

  1. registration in the MEET program and its events, Meet the Media Guru, the latter being a programme of meetings with leading international figures in digital culture, a point of reference for the debate and dissemination of digital issues (communication, design, art , cinema, science, economics and new networking practices);
  2. enrolment and participation in Meet’s activities, initiatives reserved to participants (companies or individuals) and development of integrated communication projects “above and below the line”;
  3. enrolment in the Meet project aimed at the participation of private companies in the design and organization of events, planning and implementation of integrated communication featuring a high level of digital innovation, consultancy activities and training courses;
  4. the use and management of contents (documents, information, images, etc.) for all purposes related to the programme that users voluntarily decide to upload on the site to participate in the programme itself and the online and offline initiatives designed and organised by MEET;
  5. the data provided by users can be used for organising events, either organised by MEET or organised with the help of a specially appointed external processor. In any case, the use of personal data (including photographs or videos that include their own image) that may jeopardise the personal dignity and the propriety of the data subject is not allowed;
  6. as for the events organised by Meet, either alone or in collaboration with one or more partners, only by registering to these events (with specific forms) the user will authorize the use, reproduction, publication of photos and/or videos that include their own image. In any case, the use of the above data is forbidden if the personal dignity and reputation of the person participating in the event may be harmed by that;
  7. Mail marketing activities;
  8. Sending and signing up for the newsletter: this is carried out through the use of a double-opt-in procedure. In any case, for the sending of newsletters, the legal notes and the address of the company that will process the data will be specified and a link will also be inserted that will allow each user to cancel the subscription to the newsletter at any time;
  9. should there be minors participating to the event, it is necessary that the parents or in any case the subjects exercising parental responsibility (such as guardians), shall sign a further authorisation documentabout the use and reproduction/publication of photos and/or videos that include the images of the children.
  10. Profiling through the CRM eventually owned by an external manager specifically appointed by the data controller.
  11. I hereby authorise the processing of my image for photographic and/or audiovisual purposes and the subsequent promotion of the event or related initiatives also through the website and social media of the data controller.df
  12. MEET has video surveillance cameras which record for security and asset protection purposes only. The recordings are kept for the time strictly necessary and may be viewed by the competent authorities.


The processing is carried out at the workplace of Meet Digital Communication S.r.l. Impresa Sociale inViale Vittorio Veneto 2, 20124 – Milan, as well as on a digital platform. However, it should be noted that part of the data processing and storage might be done using servers located outside the European Union.


The processing is carried out in an automated and/or manual form and/or with electronic tools, thus also through physical or magnetic media and tools, in any case fully automated.

Personal data will be stored both in a physical archive and in the company’s electronic database for the purposes indicated in compliance with the provisions of art. 32 of the GDPR 2016/679 concerning security measures, by persons specifically appointed and in compliance with the provisions of art. 29 GDPR 2016/679.

Please note that, in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimization, pursuant to art. 5 GDPR 2016/679, subject to free and explicit consent of the subject, personal data will be kept for the period of time strictly necessary for the achievement of the purposes for which they are collected and processed.


We hereby inform you that the collected data will never be disseminated and will not be communicated without the explicit consent of the data subject, except for the necessary communications that may involve the transfer of data to qualified subjects, such as external data processors working under the direct authority of the Data Controller, employees and/or collaborators in various capacities, consultants or other subjects. In addition to that the data will be communicated, regardless of the data subject’s consent, for the fulfilment of legal obligations, including by way of example tax requirements and safety at work legislation.


The data subject may exercise at any time, pursuant to articles 15 to 22 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679, the right to:

  1. a) obtain confirmation of the existence of any personal data regarding them;
  2. b) obtain information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated and, whenever possible, the storage time (right of access by the data subject);
  3. c) obtain data correction and deletion (right of rectification);
  4. d) obtain restriction of processing;
  5. e) obtain data portability, i.e. receive data from the data controller, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and transmit them to another data controller without impediments (includes the right to obtain notification from the data controller in cases of rectification, cancellation of personal data or cancellation of the same);
  6. f) object to processing at any time (right to objection);
  7. g) revoke the consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to the revocation (right of revocation);
  8. h) request the cancellation of their data as compatible with the regulatory requirements of the owner (right to be forgotten);
  9. file a complaint to a supervisory authority.

Finally, it should be noted that the data subject has the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, based in Rome, via Monte Citorio 121 (tel. +39 06696771), following the procedures and indications published on the Authority’s website

We inform you that the exercise of the rights of the data subject, referred to in the aforesaid articles, such as the right of cancellation or objection are subject to the limits set by the relevant regulations (Council of Ministries Presidency Decree of February 22, 2016 art. 56,57 and Decree of October 24, 2014, art. 7) regarding the obligations to keep personal data.

Their rights can be exercised with a written request sent to Meet Digital Communication S.r.l. Impresa Sociale, address Viale Vittorio Veneto 2, 20124 – Milan, or by e-mail to the e-mail address or to the certified e-mail (PEC) address:


The MEET Digital Culture Center is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all visitors, especially young participants. Child protection is of paramount importance and the center is committed to the following guidelines and standards to ensure their safety and well-being. Continue reading the Child Protection Policy at this link.


The site collects some user data in order to offer its services.


1. What are Cookies?

A cookie is a text-only string of information that a website transfers to the cookie file of the browser on your computer’s hard disk so that the website can recognise you when you revisit and remember certain information about you. This can include which pages you have visited, choices you have made from menus, any specific information you have entered into forms and the time and date of your visit.

2. Types of Cookies

There are two main types of cookies:

  • Session cookies: these are temporary cookies that expire at the end of a browser session; that is, when you leave the site. Session cookies allow the website to recognise you as you navigate between pages during a single browser session and allow you to use the website most efficiently. For example, session cookies enable a website to remember that a user has placed items in an online shopping basket.
  • Persistent cookies: in contrast to session cookies, persistent cookies are stored on your equipment between browsing sessions until expiry or deletion. They therefore enable the website to “recognise” you on your return, remember your preferences, and tailor services to you.
    In addition to session cookies and persistent cookies, there may be other cookies which are set by the website which you have chosen to visit, such as this website, in order to provide us or third parties with information.

3. Our use of Cookies

We currently use, and may use in the future, the following types of cookies on this website.

We use session cookies to:
help us maintain security and verify your details whilst you use the website as you navigate from page to page, which enables you to avoid having to re-enter your details each time you enter a new page.

We use persistent cookies to:
help us recognise you as a unique user when you return to our website so that you do not have to input your details multiple times as you move between our pages or services
remember how you have customised your use of this site, such as your preferred currency and time zone
collect and compile anonymous, aggregated information for statistical and evaluation purposes to help us understand how users use the website and help us improve the structure of our website.
Many cookies are designed to give you optimal usage of the web. For example, we use cookies to enable you to improve your user experience when using our website, e.g. a cookie which recognises if your browser supports specific technology features. This helps, for example, in enabling web pages to be loaded more quickly when you request the download of a large file.

In addition to cookies which send information to us, we also use cookies which collect information and send it to third parties. An example of this is Google Analytics. We use Google Analytics to help collect and compile information like the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited. Visit Google’s site for an overview of privacy at Google and information on how to opt out of the Google Analytics cookie. Where this site allows such cookies to be set or you access other websites from this site using the links provided, the operators of these websites will use cookies in accordance with their own cookies policy, which may differ from ours.

As with first party cookies, you are able to block third party cookies through your browser settings.

Some of our cookies may collect and store your personal information, such as your name or email address. We are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy and will ensure that all personal information collected by us is kept and treated in accordance with our privacy policy. A link to this policy is available within the footer of this portal or alternatively at our website.

4. Refusing Cookies on this Site

Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. However, you have the ability to disable cookies if you wish, generally through changing your internet software browsing settings. It may also be possible to configure your browser settings to enable acceptance of specific cookies or to notify you each time a new cookie is about to be stored on your computer enabling you to decide whether to accept or reject the cookie. To manage your use of cookies there are various resources available to you, for example the “Help” section on your browser may assist you. You can also disable or delete the stored data used by technology similar to cookies, such as Local Shared Objects or Flash cookies, by managing your browser’s “add-on settings” or visiting the website of its manufacturer. As our cookies allow you to access some of our website’s features we recommend that you leave cookies enabled. Otherwise, if cookies are disabled, it may mean that you experience reduced functionality or will be prevented from using this site altogether.
