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Canada-Italy Innovation Award, MtMG wins

Meet the Media Guru is among the winners at the 2017 Canada-Italy Innovation Award. For the section An interconnected world the Canadian embassy selected Maria Grazia Mattei, director of MtMG, as lead partner in the project Future Ways of Living, conceived in collaboration with the George Brown College of Toronto.

The idea provides for a participatory design laboratory – A.K.A. Charrette – to be opened in Montreal in 2017, involving and liaising Italian and Canadian private and public sector practitioners on the sustainable and responsible use of technology. Future Ways of Living will be carried out by Meet the Media Guru with Institute without Boundaries of the George Brown College and in synergy with the McLuhan Centre for Culture & Technology at the University of Toronto.

The project Future Ways of Living was rewarded for its ability to “strengthen the ties between Canada and Italy in the fields of Science, Technology and Innovation” as required by the award guidelines. The Montreal charrette will be the third participatory laboratory founded by Meet the Media Guru with Institute without Boundaries. The previous editions took place in Milan in 2015 and 2016, the results are summarised in the two volumes Future Ways of Living Toronto Milano 2015 and Future Ways of Living Expo Site Milano as a Global Village.

The Canada-Italy Innovation Award 2017, taking place on the 150thanniversary of the North American confederation, had another four winners: for the category Global Demographic Growth the award went to Serena Ceola, a Researcher with the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Material Engineering of the Bologna University for a project in partnership with the University of Saskatchewan and Giuseppe Sciortino, Professor with the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento for a project with the University of Windsor, Ontariofor the following section the award went to Francesco Rea, Researcher with the Italian Institute of Technology of Genoa for a project with the University of Lethbridge, Alberta and, finally, Antonio Mario Caruso, Researcher with the Department of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Salento, Lecce, for a project with the University of Ottawa.
